Windows 7 Webdav Offline Files Sync

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  1. Delete Offline Files Windows 7
  2. Sync Offline Files
  3. Windows 7 Webdav Offline Files Sync Center

Google drive Windows 7 - Free Download Windows 7 google drive - page 2 - Windows 7 Download - Free Windows7 Download. SyncUp MaxSyncUp backup software windows backup rsync Time Machine laptop sync file sync ftp sync sftp sync webdav sync Google Drive sync OneDrive sync Dropbox sync online backup. Windows 7 Software Coupons. What is the easiest way to keep an offline copy of a webdav share? That will work on both Windows and Mac OSX. Does Dropbox on iOS use LAN sync to get files. This is for Windows 7. Do the registry edit described by IAmConfused here. Go to this link and follow CyMel's instructions for disabling Offline Files, reboot, then follow Marilyn O's instructions for changing permissions on the folder, then manually deleting the sync partnership.

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To delete the offline files in CSC Folder, you will first have to disable Offline Files. Then, you can change the permissions of the CSC Folder and its subfolders and delete them.

Please refer to these steps to do so:

Step 1: Disable the Offline Files.

a.Open Sync Center and click on Manage Offline Files on the left.

b.Select the Disable Offline Files Button and reboot the computer.

Step 2: Give yourself all the permissions.

a.Press Windows key + X and select Command Prompt (Admin).

b.Type these commands and press Enter after each one.

cd c:Windows

takeown /f csc /r /a /d y > NUL

icacls csc /grant Administrators:(F) /t /l /q

c.Delete the folders under C:WindowsCSC.

Note: You will need administrator access or password to perform these steps.

Please get back to us with the status of the issue.

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Thank you very much for this quick and solid advice.

Here my result:

After entering

takeown /f csc /r /a /d y > NUL

in the Admin CMD Promt I got:

ERROR: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Not being too squeemish, I entered:

icacls csc /grant Administrators:(F) /t /l /q

and then went to CSC folder to delete the stuff.

That worked, I was thankfully able to reclaim 24GB of harddisk space.

But I had to skip quite a few errors and the whole (synced) folder structure in CSC remains the same. I believe that this is because all and any .dav files could not be deleted and there is a .dav file in any folder, wich is why the Folder structure is still there.

Obviously those do not take up much space, but I would prefer to keep it tidy and delete those as well.

Any ideas?

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Thanks for getting back to us.

Do you receive any error messages or codes when you try to delete the .dav files?

DAV stands for DVR365 Video File. DAV is an encrypted format created by a DVR365 digital video recorder, such as the DSD304, DSD308, or DSD316 DVR. It is not possible to open .dav files, using common media players.

I hope this information is useful. Please get back to us with the answer.

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I think .dav files must be something else. 1st because I don't have DAV Video files at all and certainly not in each and every Folder.

2nd because These are not xxx.dav files but hidden .dav files.

I still believe that this probaly are hidden files for the Support of WebDAV files Transfers.

My issue remains the same: How can I remove them? They are totylly locked.

Kind regards

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Thanks for getting back to us.

Some webservers also create the .dav files on the computer and save them on the hard disk. To delete them, you will have to take ownership of the files.

Follow these steps to do so:

a.Right-click on the file containing the .dav file and click on Take Ownership.

b.You may be prompted by the UAC to enter the administrator password or to confirm to continue. Enter the password or click on Yes.

Delete Offline Files Windows 7

c.Follow the prompted steps to take ownership of the file.

You will be able to delete the .dav files now. Please get back to us with the status of the issue.

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thanks a lot !

for windows 8 French version the second command is : takeown /f csc /r /a /d o > NUL

replace y of 'Yes' by o of 'Oui'

I have 638Go of cached file on my hard drive !

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Sync Offline Files

Thank you! Non English-users, please be aware that TAKEOWN command is sensitive to Win8 system language (i.e., 'y' of yes has to be replaced with 's' as in 'sì' in Italian, 'o' as in 'Oui' in French, and so on..')

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Worked perfectly. In the last step (delete the folder), I used windows explorer to go to the correct folder that was causing me a problem and deleted it manually. All now works, so thanks for the help!

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Works fine in Windows 10 x64

i disabled Offline files and installed the OS a month ago. BUT somehow it mirrored a random amount of files from my servers F drive .. finally my SSD has 25 GB more space!

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Dear Microsoft Staff,

I am an ZH-TW Windows 10 pro user(upgraded from Windows 7 pro) and the CSC offline files may contains some __non-ASCII__ characters or very-long-file-path.

Therefore, I got two symptoms:

(1) Takeown failed 'System cannot find file specified'

(2) 'icacls csc' got 'Could not read ASCII %s file '%s'. See log file '%s' for details'

Yes, exactly the '%s' printed,

and of course there were still dozens of GBs capacity taken by Windows.

Any suggestions? This issue has bothered me for 6+ months.

Thank you

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Windows 7 Webdav Offline Files Sync Center

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Active3 years, 11 months ago

I have a webdav share configured for my small group of users. This is great for sharing files, like Dropbox. But it lacks Dropbox's functionality of keeping the files locally when the computer is disconnected from the internet.

Certain users in my group require that these files be locally accessible (via a prior, automated sync) even when there is no internet access.

I'm looking for a solution to this (or multiple solutions) that will work on both Windows and Mac OSX. Rsync looks good, but I've heard of issues with it being slow with webdav, it will be hard to configure for my OSX users, and unavailable to my users on Windows.

Is there an open-source tool, or some easily configured built-in tool, that can automate this process for these users?


closed as primarily opinion-based by DavidPostill, Nifle, Moses, mdpc, fixer1234Feb 6 '15 at 5:16

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

Have you tried WebDAV-Sync?

It is open source.

There is a configuration file, and it syncs when you execute it.

my-cloud-sync is a Dropbox clone developed by Alfresco Inc.

Internally it uses Sardine, a WebDAV library, so as far as I understand it can sync with any WebDAV server.

Nicolas RaoulNicolas Raoul
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