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1. At the present time: goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
3. In the immediate past; very recently: left the room just now.
4. At this point in the series of events; then: The ship was now listing to port.
6. Nowadays.
7. In these circumstances; as things are: Now we won't be able to stay.
a. Used to introduce a command, reproof, or request: Now pay attention.
b. Used to indicate a change of subject or to preface a remark: Now, let's get down to work.
Seeing that; since. Often used with that:Now that spring is here, we can expect milder weather.
The present time or moment: wouldn't work up to now.
1. Of the present time; current: our now governor.
2. Slang Currently fashionable; trendy: the now sound of this new rock band.
now and again/then
[Middle English, from Old English ; see nu- in Indo-European roots.]


(naʊ) adv
2. at this exact moment; immediately
4. given the present circumstances: now we'll have to stay to the end.
5. (preceded by just) very recently: he left just now.
6. (often preceded by just) very soon: he is leaving just now.
7. now and again now and then every now and again every now and then occasionally; on and off
9. now now! (interjection) an exclamation used to rebuke or pacify someone
10. now then
a. (sentence connector) used to preface an important remark, the next step in an argument, etc
b. (interjection) an expression of mild reproof: now then, don't tease!.
(often foll by: that) seeing that; since it has become the case that: now you're in charge, things will be better.
sentence connector
a. used as a transitional particle or hesitation word: now, I can't really say.
c. used at the end of a command, esp in dismissal: run along, now.
the present moment or time: now is the time to go.
informal of the moment; fashionable: the now look is street fashion.
[Old English nū; compare Old Saxon nū, German nun, Latin nunc, Greek nu]


2. without further delay; immediately: Do it now or not at all.
3. at the time being referred to: The case was now ready for the jury.
4. in the very recent past: I saw them just now.
6. under the present circumstances: I see now what you meant.
7. (used to introduce a statement or question): Now, may I ask you something?
8. (used to strengthen a command or entreaty): Now stop that!
9. inasmuch as; since (often fol. by that): Now that you're here, stay for dinner.
n. adj.
11. current; very fashionable: the now look.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English ; akin to German nun, Latin num, Greek nú, nûn, Skt nu]




1. 'now'

Now is usually used for contrasting the present with the past.

She gradually built up energy and is now back to normal.
He knew now that he could rely completely on Paul.

Now That You're Gone Lyrics

2. 'right now' and 'just now'

In conversation and in less formal writing, you use right now or just now to say that a situation exists at present, although it may change in the future.

I'm awfully busy just now.

You also use right now to emphasize that something is happening now.

If you say that something happened just now, you mean that it happened a very short time ago.

Did you feel the ship move just now?

If you intend to do something now or right now, you intend to do it immediately, without any delay.

He wants you to come and see him now, in his room.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'right now' or 'just now' in formal writing. - the momentary present; 'Now is a good time to do it'; 'it worked up to right now'
nowadays, present - the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; 'that is enough for the present'; 'he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow' - in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; 'President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard'; 'Washington now decides to cross the Delaware'; 'the ship is now listing to port' - in these times; 'it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished'- Nancy Mitford; 'we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets'; 'today almost every home has television' - used to preface a command or reproof or request; 'now hear this!'; 'now pay attention' - at the present moment; 'goods now on sale'; 'the now-aging dictator'; 'they are now abroad'; 'he is busy at present writing a new novel'; 'it could happen any time now' - without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening; 'he answered immediately'; 'found an answer straightaway'; 'an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith'; 'Come here now!'
forthwith, immediately, instantly, like a shot, right away, straight off, straightaway, at once, directly - (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; 'Now the next problem is..' - in the immediate past; 'told me just now'


1.nowadays, at the moment, these daysBeef now costs over 30 roubles a pound.
2.immediately, presently(Scot. & U.S.), promptly, instantly, at once, straightawayPlease tell him I need to talk to him now.
as of nowfrom now on, henceforth, henceforward, from this time on, from this time forwardAs of now there is no longer an East or a West Germany, just Germany.
for nowfor the moment, right now, at present, for the time being, for the present, for the meantimeThat's about all I can tell you for now.
now and then or againoccasionally, sometimes, at times, from time to time, on and off, on occasion, once in a while, intermittently, infrequently, sporadicallyNow and then he would pay us a brief visit.


adverb1. At this moment:
Idiom: even now.
2. Without delay:
directly, forthwith, immediately, instant, instantly, right away, right off, straightaway, straight off.
3. At times:
4. At the present; these days:
adjectiveIn existence now:
contemporary, current, existent, existing, new, present, present-day.
The current time:
الآنالآن وقَد، الآن وَبِما أنَّبِسَبَب ما حَدَثحالافي هذه اللحْظَه
nufor øjeblikket
dabar jaumūsų laikaisnana na!tuo metu
tak terazteraz, keďvtedy
şimdişu anda…-diğine goreartıkevet


[naʊ]A.ADV1. (of present, immediate future)
1.1. (= at this time) → ahora
what shall we do now?¿qué hacemos ahora?
now for something completely differenty ahora algo totalmentedistinto
not now, dearahora no, querido
right now all I want to do isen este momentoorahora mismo, lo único que me apetece es ..
the time is now eight o'clockson las ocho
1.2. (= these days) → hoy en día, ahora
nobody would think of doing that nowhoy en díaor ahora a nadie se le ocurriríahacer eso

Now That's What I Call Music 31

1.3. (= at last, already) → ya
the fire is now under controlel incendio ya está controlado
can I go now?¿ya me puedo ir?
I must be off nowya me tengo que marchar
1.4. (= immediately) → ahora; (more emphatic) → ya
if we leave now, we'll be there by sixsi salimos ahora or ya, estaremos allí para las seis
it's now or neveres ahora o nunca
I'll do it right nowlo haréahora mismo
2. (of duration up to present) they've been married now for 30 yearsya llevan 30 añoscasados, hace 30 años que se casaron
it's some days now since I heard anythinghace varios días que no sé nada
3. (in accounts of past events) → ahora
it had once been the pantry but was now his officetiempo atrás había sido la despensa, pero ahora era su estudio
4. (after prep)
as of nowa partir de ahora
before now (= already) → ya, antes; (= in the past) → antes de ahora; (= till this moment) → hasta ahora, antes
you should have done that before nowya tendrías que haber hecho eso, tendrías que haber hecho eso antes
I've gone hungry before now to feed my childrenya he pasadohambreantes de ahora para poder alimentara mishijos
she should have arrived long before nowhace tiempo que tenía que haber llegado
between now and next Tuesdayentre hoy y el martesque viene
by nowthey must be there by nowya deben haber llegado
by now it was clear thaten ese momento ya estaba claro que ..
by now everybody was tiredpara entonces ya estaban todos cansados
that will be all for now, that will do for nowpor ahoraorpor el momento basta con eso
(in) three weeks/100 years from nowdentro de tres semanas/100años
from now on (with present, future tense) → a partir de ahora, de ahora en adelante; (with past tense) →
till now, until now, up to now (= till this moment) → hasta ahora; (= till that moment) → hasta entonces
I've always done it this way up to nowhasta ahorasiempre lo había hecho así
5. (= in these circumstances)
5.1. (gen) → ya
it's raining, now we won't be able to goestá lloviendo, ya no podemos ir
it's too late nowya es demasiado tarde
how can I believe you now?¿cómo puedo seguirconfiando en ti?
now what (do we do)?¿y ahora, qué (hacemos)?
they won't be long nowno tardarán en venir, al ratovienen (Mex)
5.2. (emphatic) now you've gone and done it! >¡ahora sí que la has hechobuena!
now look what you've done!¡miralo que has hecho!
6. (in phrases relating to time)
(every) now and againde vez en cuando
any minute or moment nowde un momento a otro
any day nowcualquier día de estos
just now (= at this moment) → ahora mismo, en este momento; (= a moment ago) → hace un momento
I'm busy just nowahora mismooren este momento estoy ocupado
plums are in season just nowes temporada de ciruelas
I saw him come in just nowlo he vistoentrarhace un momento, acabo de verlo entrar
(every) now and thende vez en cuando
see alsohereA6
7. (without temporal force)
7.1. (introducing new topic) → bien, bueno
now, as you all knowbien orbueno, como todos sabéis ..
now, some people may disagree butbien orbueno, puede que algunos no estén de acuerdo pero ..
7.2. (commenting on previous statement) now there's a coincidence!¡eso sí que es una coincidencia!
now there's a thoughtpues no es malaidea
7.3. (asking question) now, what's everyone drinking?a ver, ¿qué queréis tomar?
7.4. (remonstrating, pacifying) now Fred, you don't really mean thatvamos Fred, no lo dicesen serio
now, now, don't get so upset!¡venga, no te pongas así!
now, now, we'll have none of that!¡vale ya, nada de tonterías!
come now, you must be hungryvenga ya, no me digas que no tieneshambre
hush now, don't cryshh, no llores
now then, what's the trouble?¡entonces a ver! ¿cuál es el problema?
now then, don't tease!¡ya está bien, deja de burlarte!
well now, what have we here!¡vamos a ver! ¿qué tenemosaquí? .., now ..: now she dances, now she sings (liter) → tanpronto está bailando como cantando
B.PRONnow is the best time to go to Scotlandésta es la mejorépoca para ir aEscocia
now is your chance to talk to himestá es tu oportunidad de hablarcon él
see alsohereC
C.CONJnow (that)ahora que
now that she was retired she had more timeahora que estaba jubiladadisponíade mástiempo
now you (come to) mention itahora que lo dices
the now presidentel presidenteactual


Now That We Found Love

(= at the present time) → maintenant
What are you doing now? → Qu'est-ce que tu faismaintenant?
They've been married now for 30 years → Cela faitmaintenant 30 ans qu'ils sont mariés.
Now is the time to tell her all about it → C'est le moment de tout lui raconter.
right now → tout de suite
by now → à l'heure qu'il est
He should be there by now → Il doit être arrivéà l'heure qu'il est.
It should be ready by now
BUTÇa devrait être déjà prêt.
just now (= at the moment) → en ce moment
That's the fashion just now → C'est la mode en ce moment., C'est la modemaintenant.
I'm rather busy just now → Je suis trèsoccupé en ce moment. (= very soon) → tout de suite
I'll read it just now → Je vais le lire tout de suite. (= very recently)
I saw her just now → Je viensde lavoir., Je l'ai vue à l'instant.
I did it just now → Je viens de le faire.
from now on → dorénavant
in 3 days from now → dans trois jours, d'ici trois jours
between now and Monday → d'ici lundi, d'ici à lundi
that's all for now → c'est tout pour l'instant
any day now → d'un jour à l'autre
any moment now → d'un moment à l'autre
any time now → d'un moment à l'autre
it's now or never → c'est maintenant ou jamais
now and then → de temps en temps
now and again → de temps en temps
every now and then, every now and again → de temps en temps
Now that you
(= nowadays) → maintenant
Most schoolchildren now own calculators → Maintenantla plupart des écoliers ont des calculatrices.
(in stories or accounts of the past) (= then) → maintenant
She felt a little better now → Elle se sentaitun peumieuxmaintenant.
by now
By now it was completely dark outside → Il faisaitmaintenantcomplètementnoirdehors.
(used to attract somebody's attention)bon
Now, let's get down to brass tacks → Bon, passons aux chosessérieuses.
Now, I hadn't told him this, so he must have found out for himself
BUTJe ne le lui avais pas dit, donc il a dû s'en apercevoir tout seul.
now then (to attract attention)bon, alors
Now then, who's for a cup of tea? → Bon alors, qui veut une tasse de thé?; (as friendly warning)allons, allons
Now then, no unpleasantness, please → Allonsallons, ne soyez pas désagréables, s'il vous plaît.
now, now (= there there) → allons, allons
'I figure it's all over.' - 'Now, now. You did just fine.'
BUT'Je suppose que c'est bel et bien fini.' - Mais non, voyons. Tu as été très bien.'.; (as friendly warning)allons, allons
Now, now Roger, I'm sure you didn't mean it but that remark was in poor taste → Allons, allons, Roger! Je suis sûr que tu ne l'as pas fait exprès, mais ton commentaire était de mauvaisgoût.
(used to give emphasis to a request or command)
Now will you close my door on your way out → Tu fermeras la porte en sortant, hein?
Now, don't worry about anything → Allez, ne te fais pas de souci.
come on now → allez, allez
now (that) → maintenant que
Now he's feeling better, he can go back to work.; Now that he's feeling better, he can go back to work → Maintenant qu'il se sentmieux, il peut reprendre le travail.


jetzt, nun; (= immediately)jetzt, sofort, gleich; (= at this very moment)gerade, (so)eben; (= nowadays)heute, heutzutage; she now realized why …nun or da erkannte sie, warum …; just nowgerade; (= immediately)gleich, sofort; now is the time to do itjetzt ist der richtigeMoment dafür; I’ll do it just or right nowich mache es jetzt gleich orsofort; do it (right) nowmach es jetzt (sofort); it’s now or neverjetzt oder nie; even now it’s not rightes ist immer nochnichtrichtig; now for itlos!; now for a look at the weather forecastund nun zumWetterbericht; what is it now?was ist denn jetztor nun schon wieder?; by now (present, past) → inzwischen, mittlerweile; they have/had never met before nowsie haben sich bis jetzt/sie hatten sich bis dahin noch niegetroffen; before now it was thought …früherdachte man, dass …; we’d have heard before nowdas hätten wir (inzwischen) schon gehört; I’ve been there before nowich war schon (früher) da; for now(jetzt) erst einmal, im Moment, vorläufig; even nowauch or selbst jetzt noch; any day/moment nowjetzt jeden Tag/Moment; from now on(wards)von nun an; between now and the end of the weekbis zumEnde der Woche; in three days from now(heute) in drei Tagen; from now until thenbis dahin; up to now, till now, until nowbis jetzt
(alternation) nownowbald … bald; (every) now and then, now and againab und zu, von Zeit zu Zeit, gelegentlich
now (that) you’ve seen himjetzt, wo Sie ihn gesehen haben, nun, da Sie ihn gesehen haben(geh)
interjalso; now, now!na, na!; well nowalso; now thenalso (jetzt); stop that now!Schlussjetzt!; come now, don’t exaggeratenun übertreib mal nicht; now, why didn’t I think of that?warum habe ich bloßnicht daran gedacht?


[naʊ]n abbr (Am) =National Organization for WomenU.D.I. f =Unione Donne Italiane


a. (at present, these days) → adesso, ora; (at that time) → allora
right now → subito, immediatamente
now is the time to do it → questo è il momento per farlo
they won't be long now → ormai non tarderanno
I saw her just now → l'ho vistaproprio adesso
that's the fashion just now → è la moda del momento
I'll read it just now → lo leggosubito
(every) now and then or now and again → ogni tanto, di tanto in tanto
it's now or never → ora o mai più
b. (with prep) between now and Mondayentrolunedì, da qui a lunedì
I couldn't do it before now → non potevo farlo prima
long before now → molto tempo fa
by now → ormai
the train should have arrived by now → il treno dovrebbe essere giàarrivato
in 3 days from now → fra 3 giorni
from now on → d'ora in poi
from now until then → da adessofino a quel momento
that's all for now →
until now or up to now → fino ad ora
c. (without temporal force) now (then)!dunque!, allora!
now then, no more quarrelling → oraoradessobasta con i litigi
well now → vediamo, dunque
well now, look who it is! → ma guardaun po' chi si vede!
be careful now! → ma sta'attento!


(nau) adverb
1. (at) the present period of time. I am now living in England. nou, tans الآن в момента agora nyní jetzt for øjeblikket τώραahora nüüd حالا nyt à présentעכשיו अब sada, ovaj trenutno most sekarang nú, núna ora, adesso 現在 지금은 dabar tagad, pašlaik sekarang nuobecnie همداوس agora acum, în prezent сеичас, теперь teraz zdaj sada nu, nuförtiden ตอนนี้ şimdi, şu anda 現在 тепер, зараз اب، ابھي hiện nay 现在
2. at once; immediately. I can't do it now – you'll have to wait. nou حالا веднага agora (zrovna) teď, hned jetzt nu τώρα αμέσως ya, ahora mismo kohe اینک heti maintenantעכשיו अभी तुरंत ovaj čas azonnal seketika núna, strax adesso, subito すぐに 곧, 즉시 tuojau, tuoj pat tūlīt sekarang nunå, strakszaraz همدا وس agora acum, imediat немедленно, тотчас же hneď teraz zdaj sada nu ทันที şimdi, hemen 馬上 зараз اسي دم ngay lập tức 马上
3. (at) this moment. He'll be at home now; From now on, I shall be more careful about what I say to her. nou في هذه اللحْظَه отсега agora teď; od nynějška jetzt nu τώρα, αυτή τη στιγμή ahora nüüd در این لحظه nyt maintenant; à partir de maintenant עתה इसी समय, अभी, अब sada jelenleg sekarang nú, núna adesso, ora 이제 šiuo metu, (nuo) šiol šobrīd pada masa ini nuakkurat nå; nå av teraz په همدغه شيبه كښى agora (de) acum сеичас, теперь (od) teraz zdaj sada nu ขณะนี้ şimdi 此刻 зараз اِس وقت bây giờ 此刻
4. (in stories) then; at that time. We were now very close to the city. nou في هذه اللحْظَه، في تِلْك اللحْظَه тогава então tehdy nun nu τότε, πιαentonces sel hetkel در این لحظه silloin alorsאז इस समय तक, अब तक upravo akkor ketika itu þegar hér er komið sögu, þá allora, ormai その時 그때 tuo metu tobrīd, toreiz sekarang nuda, dengang wtedy, teraz اوس نو então în acel moment в тот момент, в то время vtedy zdaj sada nu ในตอนนั้น şimdi, artık 當時 тепер پھر lúc đó 当时
5. because of what has happened etc. I now know better than to trust her. nou بِسَبَب ما حَدَث вече agora teď tedy jetzt nu τώρα πια ahora nüüd حالا که nyt dans ces circonstances עכשיו ऐसी स्थिति में, इस सूरत में a sada most karenanya nú (í ljósi reynslunnar) adesso, ora 今は 현재의 사정으로서는 dabar jau tagad, nu baru sekarang nu wel już teraz اوس نو (de) acum теперь tak teraz torej sada nu ทีนี้ şimdi, artık 從今以後 тепер اب جاکر nay 现在
6. a word in explanations, warnings, commands, or to show disbelief. Now this is what happened; Stop that, now!; Do be careful, now. wel, nou الآن: تُسْتَعْمَل في التَّفْسير، التَّحْذير، الطَّلَب сега agora tedy, přece jetzt nu λοιπόνentonces vaat, kohe, nüüd هان nyt bon! allons! עַכשָיו! फ़ौरन, तुरंत इसी समय dakle na(hát) sekarang jæja, sko, (núna) strax dunque さて 이런, 저런, 이봐 na, pagaliau nu, nu lūk sekarang nounå!otóż, dalej اوس ora uite!; acum! пожалуиста; ну tak (teda) daj no! sada nu คำอธิบาย; เตือน; สั่ง หรือแสดงความไม่เชื่อถือ işte, hah, hey, evet, hadi 是這樣子的,喂!,咦!(用於說明、警告、命令等,或表示不相信) що ж اب ngay tức khắc 喂!,哎!(表示说明、警告、命令等,或表示不相信)
(often with that) because or since something has happened, is now true etc. Now that you are here, I can leave; Now you have left school, you will have to find a job. noudat الآن وقَد، الآن وَبِما أنَّ сега, когато agora teď když jetzt wo nu τώρα που, μια και ahora que, ya que nüüd kui حالا که nyt maintenant queכעת फलत a sada most, hogy karena þar sem .{{TH}}.{{TH}}. þá ora (che) ~だから …이니까, …인 이상은 kadangi tagad, kad oleh kerana nu nå når skoro اوس خو agora acum că теперь, когда; раз teraz keď zdaj ko sada kad nu när เนื่องจาก ..-diğine gore, mademki.. 既然,由於 тепер, коли اب تو 由于
ˈnowadays adverb
at the present period of time. Food is very expensive nowadays. deesdae هذِه الأيّام в днешно време hoje em dia v dnešní době heutzutage nutildags σήμερα, στις μέρες μας hoy en día, actualmente, en la actualidad praegu این روزها nykyisin actuellement בְיָמִים אֵלוּ आजकल, वर्तमान समय (में), इन दिनों sada mostanában sekarang ini nú á dögum oggigiorno このごろでは 현재는, 요즘에는 dabar, mūsų laikais mūsdienās; šodien sekarang ini tegenwoordignå for tida, nå til dags w dzisiejszych czasach په دى ورځو كښى hoje em dia în zilele noastre в наше время, ныне dnes dandanes ovih dana nuförtiden, i våra dagar ทุกวันนี้ bugünlerde, şimdi, günümüzde 現今 тепер, нині آج کل ngày nay 现今
for now
That will be enough for now – we'll continue our conversation tomorrow. vandag حتّى الآن засега por agora pro tuto chvíli für jetzt for nu προς το παρόνpor el momento selleks korraks برای الان tällä erää pour l'instant לְעת עָתָה आजकल za sada mára untuk sementara í bili per adesso 今のところは 우선은, 현재로는 kol kas šobrīd, šimbrīžam setakat ini voorlopig for denne gang/øyeblikket na teraz د اوس د پاره por agora deo­cam­dată на сегодня na teraz, na dnes zaenkrat za sada för den här gången, så länge สำหรับตอนนี้ şimdilik 暫時, 目前 поки اب تک کے ليے giờ 暂时,目前
just now
a moment ago. I saw him just now in the street. nounet الآن، مُنْذُ لَحْظَه тъкмо mesmo agora právě teď gerade eben for et øjeblik siden μόλις τώρα, τώρα δα hace un momento, ahora mismo hetk tagasi یک لحظه پیش juuri äsken à l'instant רַק עָתָה अभी-अभी upravo éppen most baru saja rétt áðan proprio adesso 今しがた 바로 지금 ką tik nupat, tikko sebentar tadi netakkurat nå, i stad dopiero co همدا اوس mesmo agora acum o clipă только что práve teraz pravkar malopre just då เมื่อกี้ bir dakika once, az once, daha demin 剛才 тільки що ابھي ابھي lúc nãy 刚才
(every) now and then/again
sometimes; occasionally. We go to the theatre (every) now and then. nou en dan من وَقْتٍ إلى آخر، بينَ الفَيْنَه والفَيْنَه понякога de vez em quando občas, tu a tam von Zeit zu Zeit nu og da πότε πότε de vez en cuando aeg-ajalt اغلب اوقات silloin tällöin de temps à autre מִדֵי פָּעַם जब-तब, समय-समय पर sada hébe-hóba kadang-kadang annað veifið di tanto in tanto, ogni tanto 時々 때때로, 이따금 kartais, retkarčiais laiku pa laikam kerap kali nu en dannå og da, av og tilod czasu do czasu كله كله de vez em quando din când în când время от времени; иногда občas tu pa tam povremeno då och då บางครั้ง bazen, ara sıra, arada bir, zaman zaman 有時,偶爾 інколи کبھي کبھار thỉnh thoảng 时而,偶尔
now, now!
an expression used to warn or rebuke. Now, now! Behave yourself! komaan الآن الآن: تَعْبير يُسْتَعْمَل للتَّحْذير أو الإسْكات стига вече então! no tak! aber, aber! så, så έλα τώρα! vale, basta, ya está bien kuule-kuule! حالا(برای تاکید noh, noh allons, allons! עַכשָיו! अब hajde ponašaj se pristojno na-na! ayo! svona, svona! (e via!) ほらほら! 자, 이봐 na na! nu, nu! memberi amaran nou, nou! nåda! no no! اوس ژر então! hai, hai! ну-ну!, не нужно! no tak! daj no! veš kaj! hajde nånå!, seså! สำนวนใช้เตือน หรือตำหนิ hele..bakayım 喂喂!,夠了啦! (用於警告或訓斥) ну! ابھي giờ thì 喂喂!,夠了啦!(用以表示警告或训斥)
now then
an expression used for calming people etc. `Now then,' said the policeman, `what's going on here?' goed, komaan والآن،.. да видим vamos ver copak, no no, tak tedy also hov, hov λοιπόν a ver niisiis ارام باش no niin bonעכשיו कभी-कभी dobro dakle figyelem!, nahát! nah! jæja þá (suvvia!), (allora!) さて 자아, 여보게 na (gi) pag, pag sila bertenang nou, hè hè så så! spokojnie, a więc كرار اووسى vamos lá a ver stai puţin итак no tak torej de de nå? สำนวนใช้ปลอบให้ใจเย็นลง peki 喂!(用於平息騷動等) а ну; ну-ну تو پھر bình tĩnh 喂!(用于平息骚动等)


الآن nyní nujetztτώραahora nytmaintenant sadaora 지금nuterazagoraсейчас nu เดี๋ยวนี้şimdi bây giờ现在


adv. ahora, ahorita, en este momento, actualmente;
just ______ mismo, hace un momento;
___ thenahora bien.
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