Chessboard Pdf Open Cv Pdf
Open cv chessBoard and 2d pieces recognition. I'm doing a project in open cv. The goal is to recognize 2d chess pieces on a chessboard,and their location. The algorithm goes like this: run canny on the picture. Run houghLines on the image. 3.Merge close lines 4.sort to vertical lines and horizontal lines. Find intersection of boarder lines. Project and sample data: Images taken using an Asus xtion and the ROS camera calibration package.
Chessboard Pdf Open Cv Pdf File
Is it possible to convert a PDF file to cv::Mat
?I know that PDF file is generally vector of objects, but given a required resolution. Is there any tool that can do such a conversion?
1 Answer
OpenCV doesn't support pdf format at all, so you should convert pdf page to image using another library. Read this discussion: Open source PDF library for C/C++ application?
Also this question is similar to yours: What C++ library can I use to convert a PDF to an image on windows?