Ccg Profiles 10 Keygen

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CCG Profiles. Free to try Computer Consulting Group Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 Version 10.0 Full Specs. has chosen not to provide a direct-download link for this product and offers.

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message 2: by Ghost~still Luna~ (last edited Mar 27, 2017 07:49AM) (new)

Name:Mika Kimihiro
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age:15 (will change when i decide to for her birthday)
Birthday:october 31st
Face Claim: Shinoa Hiragi (seraph of the end)
[image error]
clothing style that she wears besides her school uniform: [image error]
personality: Mika can be shy and protective but she is also caring and will try to do what she can to help her friends and her brother, she often puts other's befoe herself but she's afraid to let anyone get too close to her for fear of losing them,Mika also is a bit emotionlly unstable sometimes if something triggers her memories of what happened the night her family was killed and what she saw.
History: Mika had a rough life growing up due to her mother always working and her father always drinking and beating his wife and kids. One day mika had gotten fed up with her father so she took her younger brother Shinji and left the house while her mother was at work when the two returned home later that evening they discovered their parents dead,according to the police it was something inhuman that killed them and refusing to be taken in by another family Mika had raised her brother and would sometimes skip school just to take care of him when he was sick, mika's grades were slipping because of it but her brother was all she had. Eventually Mika's brother got very sick so she had to leave school for awhile to work to pay for the medical bills and what she and her brother needed. Even so Mika has been looking for the ghoul who killed her mother, her father she could care less for.
Job occupation: part time waitress and a student
her mother; laura kimihiro-deceased
her father guren kimihiro-deceased
her brother shinji kimihiro-living
crush: Alex Garcia
relatioship status: Taken
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Alex Garcia
other: Mika is shy sometimes(only when it comes to someone she likes) and if someone hurts her little brother she will want to kill them and she doesn't hate ghouls the only ones she wants dead are the ones who killed her mother. and she also doesn't know that her boyfriend is a ghoul.

do we have to wait for approval?

Luna wrote: 'do we have to wait for approval?'
Not that i have any power but you probably won't do any harm if you start rping also it'd be nice to have someone active xD

okay ^.^

Luna wrote: 'Name:Mika Kimihiro
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birthday:october 31st
Face Claim: Shinoa Hiragi (seraph of the end)

I have Alex, an ghoul, open if you want him to be your characters crush

I'll take a look at him so I know who he is but sure :)
Thanks! and I will be on again later

okay and just a heads up but I'm not going to be on that much until the weekend cause of school

No worries

where should we post first carlos?

it can be at the park but I got to go right now so I'll have to reply tomorrow when I get back

message 13: by Ghost~still Luna~ (last edited Oct 06, 2015 08:10PM) (new)

okay,i posted at the park carlos

Name: Aiko Inoue
Age: 20
Species: dove
Gender: female
[image error]
Personality: Aiko is a fiesty dove, strong despite her silence. Annoy her and she will tear you to pieces, quite literally, especially if you're a ghoul. She has a private vendetta against them, making her more dangerous than you'd expect.
History: her life was pretty normal until ghouls tore apart her mother, father, and sister, limb by limb, whilst she watched from the closet. She can still hear their screams. She's hated ghouls ever since and joined the CCG as soon as possible.
Job occupation: CCG investigator
Extra details: she has quite a few tattoos and an obsession with knives.

Name:Matthew Falcon
Personality:His personality depends on the situation at hand. So in normal terms, he is bi polar as hell.
History:He wasn't born, he was made. He was made through combining human dna with the best doves they had. He has killed over two hundred ghouls and been ranked at the second most deadly dove. He has numerous rumors about him that say stuff like he can pin point a ghoul a mile away. Also stuff like he can smell a ghoul from five wards away.
Job occupation:Dove~Ranked number 2
Extra details:His spear is made from the numerous dna of ghouls he has killed, it has over two hundred different ghouls in it.
//It changes color to counter act the ghouls, and in special cases he with bring out his special sword.//

Name: Rikka Kurashima
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Job occupation: CCG Special Investigator
Personality: Rikka suffers from a split personality disorder so that to most she appears to be a very sweet and kind girl but, the second she is placed in a battle situation, she turns into a sadistic maniac that has no problem injuring innocent people just to win a fight. When she gets into these sort of states, her physical condition doesn't bother her and she will literally fight to her last drop of blood.
History: Her split personality comes from the fact she was experimented on by her parents at a very young age and now possesses the ability to go berserk in a way, and rather bloodthirsty. When she goes berserk the whites of her eyes turn pitch black much like that of ghoul but her irises remain brown. She also does not have to consume flesh to survive.
Since she was taken in by the CCG she has become one of their strongest members, she also has been known to sow stitches onto herself much like Juuzou. She has also been known to team up with Aiko Inoue and fight alongside her.
One side is used in defence while the other in offence.
She also wields a sword-like quinche.
Extra information:
The name given to her berserk form is Kurashima, whereas her normal state of mind is referred to as Rikka.
Her personalities are so different that they constantly refer to each other like they are a different person entirely and complain about each other.
She has also been known to wear neko ears when she is in her non-berserk state of mind.

message 17: by Demon Dragon (last edited Feb 23, 2016 12:01PM) (new)

Name: Yukio Hideyoshi
Age: 21
Appearance:a tall very muscular young man with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. he has multiple scars on his chest and back from various ghoul attacks. he also has a scar over his left eye.
Personality: calm and collected, it takes a lot to jar Yukio. he doesn't have much of a sense of humor, although he has been working on it. sort of a lone wolf kind of guy, although that has recently changed due to his interaction with the Magus brothers.
History: he lived a happy childhood until a ghoul ate his mother. after that his father went to drinking and drugs and eventually died in a car accident. he was only 13 when he went to his aunt's. he started training himself and eventually joined CCG. he rose in the ranks quickly and gained many friends. he was assigned along with many other Doves to take down the infamous Tatsu Brothers. he and the Doves joined up with several ghouls and ghoul assassins to take them down. they failed miserably. the only reason he survived was because Adrian Magus saved him. they became fast friends and now Yukio helps the Magus brothers when ever he can.
Job occupation(if any): Dove
Extra details: his quinche is a giant Scythe, giving to him by Adrian after he lost his original one.
he also has another quinche, a giant sword that splits into two, ghouls cut with it experience an unholy level of pain and weaker one's sometimes die from the pain alone, stronger ghouls are either weakened or paralyzed by the pain.

Lol scythe buddies xD

message 19: by NightmareQueen (last edited Feb 17, 2016 12:53PM) (new)

I ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛ Inspired ʙʏ ~ ♘ ⋄ alessia
'I'm prepared to take down the enemy at all cost.'
✴ ✴ ✴
●◉○Name○◉● Mariko Igarashi
◌◎Nickname◎◌ Mari
◌◎Face Claim◎◌ Seri Awashima
●◉○Age○◉● 23
◌◎Birthday◎◌ September 1st
◌◎Zodiac Sign◎◌ Virgo
●◉○Gender○◉● Female
◌◎Sexuality◎◌ Heterosexual
◌◎Relationship Status◎◌ Single
✴ ✴ ✴
◌◎Species◎◌ Human
✴ ✴ ✴
▪▣▫Appearance ▫▣▪
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Mariko has always been fascinated with her parents occupation. They were big shot CCG Special Investigator's in their time and she wanted to be just like them. Her parents began to train her when she turned 8 and as she neared the age of 12 they presented her with her own 'real' sword. Before then she had been using a wooden sword which she practiced on dummies with. As she grew older her passion for being a CCG Special Investigator went out the window and now she believes it to be an activity to waste time. One day, when she turned 18, she received a letter from CCG that had thoroughly explained that her parents status had been confirmed 'Inactive' for the last couple of months. She then later found out that the cause of their in-activeness was none other than a ghoul. This sparked a flame within her and put her in a better mindset that she now has more determination and passion towards being a CCG Special Investigator.
Mari is a very serious, dignified, calm, and collected person. She has a nonviolent yet tough nature and prefers to avoid conflict if possible, negotiation being her most preferred solution to her problems. When she is not at work, her personality drastically loosens. She also cares a lot about the people she's with and believes that no one should suffer no matter how bad of a person they are.
✴ ✴ ✴
●◉○Job occupation○◉● CCG Special Investigator
✴ ✴ ✴
◌◎Extra details◎◌ Saber ~ The saber is a type of back-sword, usually with a curved, single-edged blade and a rather large hand guard, covering the knuckles of the hand as well as the thumb and forefinger. Ultimately based on a medieval type of single-edged weapon, the saber was adopted as the weapon of heavy cavalry in Early Modern warfare. Although sabers are typically thought of as curved-bladed slashing weapons, those used by the heavy cavalry of the 17th to 19th centuries often had straight and even double-edged blades more suitable for thrusting. The length of sabers varied, and most were carried in a scabbard hanging from a shoulder belt known as a baldric or from a waist-mounted sword belt, usually with slings of differing lengths to permit the scabbard to hang below the rider's waist level.
'Nothing last forever.'

Approved :)

Name: Ryoto Kigami
Age: 20
Job: CCG Special Investigator/ Dove
Gender: Male
[image error]
Personality: Ryoto is a happy guy. He is kind and will do anything for his fellow workers in a battle. He gets in a serious mood when it comes to fighting. He has a laugh at work and can get everyone to laugh with him.
History: When he was young he was treated kindly. He worked hard in school everyday. One day when he was 15 he came home to find his mother dead. His father left him when he was 5. His mother was bitten by a ghoul and that's how he hates ghouls. Ever since then he has become a happy person. He cares for people and just got out of training camp. He is a newbie but powerful. He trained everyday to one day avenge his mother. He will one day see that every ghoul has died. If there are nice ghouls he won't fight unless his colleges have died to that ghoul.
[image error]Can change or spilt into this:
[image error]
Extra Info:
He wears a mask to keep his identity a secret when fighting a ghoul. Its a mask that is kind of like Uta's but it dosent have a nose. Its just plain mask.
He is extremely powerful if he gets close to death, but not too OP.

His quinche is a sword that can split into or change into a Doujima 1/2. His look is my profile pic. :)

The only problem with your character is the image error xD
Ccg profiles 10 keygen torrent

I know the image is my profile pic but picture the headphones with the smile and a suit like all the doves.

Also I don't know how to put images on comment stuff

<.img src='link'.> delete the ..

Yeah :D

message 30: by zwínk - dєspαír αnd dєstructíσn (last edited Jun 15, 2016 11:39PM) (new)

Under Construction
CCG Special Class Investigator
(view spoiler)[
first name . middle name . last name
** imagine him just a little older
[ :: ccg dove]
[ :: kagune/quinque]

personality :: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan dolor eget molestie suscipit. Curabitur gravida dignissim mauris et laoreet. Ut commodo maximus maximus. Curabitur eros neque, lacinia at lectus ut, faucibus euismod risus. Nam tincidunt malesuada pharetra. Mauris efficitur est vitae lacinia porttitor. Nam cursus id ligula in cursus. Curabitur fermentum sapien augue, ut tempus nibh tincidunt et. Aliquam lobortis risus at nunc sagittis elementum eget vitae quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in turpis interdum, porttitor ex eu, vulputate eros. Donec nec feugiat magna, eget pharetra justo. Fusce nec dapibus urna. Nulla mattis quam in tortor sodales vehicula. Donec euismod sollicitudin neque nec mattis.
history :: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan dolor eget molestie suscipit. Curabitur gravida dignissim mauris et laoreet. Ut commodo maximus maximus. Curabitur eros neque, lacinia at lectus ut, faucibus euismod risus. Nam tincidunt malesuada pharetra. Mauris efficitur est vitae lacinia porttitor. Nam cursus id ligula in cursus. Curabitur fermentum sapien augue, ut tempus nibh tincidunt et. Aliquam lobortis risus at nunc sagittis elementum eget vitae quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in turpis interdum, porttitor ex eu, vulputate eros. Donec nec feugiat magna, eget pharetra justo. Fusce nec dapibus urna. Nulla mattis quam in tortor sodales vehicula. Donec euismod sollicitudin neque nec mattis.

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CCG Associate Special Class Investigator
(view spoiler)[
first name . middle name . last name
[ :: ccg dove]
[image error]
[ :: kagune/quinque]

personality :: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan dolor eget molestie suscipit. Curabitur gravida dignissim mauris et laoreet. Ut commodo maximus maximus. Curabitur eros neque, lacinia at lectus ut, faucibus euismod risus. Nam tincidunt malesuada pharetra. Mauris efficitur est vitae lacinia porttitor. Nam cursus id ligula in cursus. Curabitur fermentum sapien augue, ut tempus nibh tincidunt et. Aliquam lobortis risus at nunc sagittis elementum eget vitae quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in turpis interdum, porttitor ex eu, vulputate eros. Donec nec feugiat magna, eget pharetra justo. Fusce nec dapibus urna. Nulla mattis quam in tortor sodales vehicula. Donec euismod sollicitudin neque nec mattis.
history :: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis accumsan dolor eget molestie suscipit. Curabitur gravida dignissim mauris et laoreet. Ut commodo maximus maximus. Curabitur eros neque, lacinia at lectus ut, faucibus euismod risus. Nam tincidunt malesuada pharetra. Mauris efficitur est vitae lacinia porttitor. Nam cursus id ligula in cursus. Curabitur fermentum sapien augue, ut tempus nibh tincidunt et. Aliquam lobortis risus at nunc sagittis elementum eget vitae quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in turpis interdum, porttitor ex eu, vulputate eros. Donec nec feugiat magna, eget pharetra justo. Fusce nec dapibus urna. Nulla mattis quam in tortor sodales vehicula. Donec euismod sollicitudin neque nec mattis.
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message 31: by Technostar (last edited Jul 19, 2016 10:21PM) (new)

Warning: No images as of yet.
Real Details:
Name: Matsukita Daiki
Age: 23
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Daiki is 5'8' and weighs 110 pounds. He has a messy mat of light-brown hair, blue eyes, an angular and pointed nose, and a v-shaped chin. He is Caucasian with a German background. He typically wears a labcoat. He appears to be a simple programmer, but he is actually an ambitious mad scientist.
Alias: Vulture (He managed to trick the CCG into believing that he is a ghoul due to his inventions).
CCG Profile:
Name: Vulture
Species: Ghoul
Ranking: SS
RC Type: Chimera (Ukaku/Rinkaku), Kakuja
Known Quinques: Fueguchi 1 and 2, Douhi (Refurbished)
Appearance: Vulture is 6'2' with an unknown weight, estimated to be around 240 lbs. due to his bulky frame. His hair style is unknown, but the color has been observed to be black. He typically wears a long trench coat, boots, and leather gloves. His mask is a black, birdlike mask reminiscent of those worn by doctors during the black plague with artificial black feathers covering the rest of his head.
Kagune details:
Ukaku: Vulture's Ukaku takes the appearance of two 6-8 ft. long cyan and white wings. Unlike most Ukaku users, he can fire bullets without crystallizing and is therefore able to immediately switch between ranged and melee. Vulture's bullets have been observed to behave in a manor similar to traps, seemingly obeying orders given before launch. Bullets fired by Vulture have been seen changing velocity in midair or ricocheting off a wall to track a target. Others have the capability to explode after embedding in a target like the quinque Hollow, causing great damage to quinques and kagunes alike. In addition, Vulture's wings are capable of both flight and propelling him like a rocket by releasing steam and/or RC cells, depending on the environment and material available.
Rinkaku: Vulture's Rinkaku can form up to 6 tentacles of cyan and white coloration. He has been shown to have great control of their form. Modes seen include the typical spear-like formation of Rinkaku users, branching, thin tentacles that can be used effectively as both a grappling hook and for grabbing various items, and as long, more-durable tentacles with larger blades on the end (in a style reminiscent of Parasyte) that can move at a dramatically increased rate.
Kakuja: Vulture's Kakuja takes the appearance of a solid, navy-blue armor. Like with his Rinkaku, Vulture shows great control over the form of his Kakuja, being able to replicate many Koukaku functions such as producing close-range blades, shields, and smashing weapons. Abnormalities have been seen with Vulture's Kakuja, such as his Kakuja forming from his entire body simultaneously instead of from the neck.
Additional Details: Vulture is known to ruthlessly steal quinques from investigators, but will only kill if it is necessary to take the quinque. It is highly recommended to surrender your quinque if you are losing a fight with him, and he will nearly always vacate the scene afterwards. His alias comes from his tendency to confront exhausted investigators after they have defeated a ghoul and steal their quinques. Usually, the defeated ghoul’s body is found missing.
Vulture is usually seen wielding 1 or 2 quinques in addition to his innate abilities. He has been seen wielding quinques that have previously been damaged or broken, suggesting that he is capable of repairing quinques. However, most quinques he wields are unidentifiable, which leads the CCG to believe that he can manufacture and modify quinques on his own or with some outside help.
Finally, Vulture’s skin is unnaturally tough. Q-bullets and lighter blows are unable to damage him, and no investigator has managed to hit a heavy blow without him first activating his Kakuja. This may have something to do with his ability to form his Kakuja from all over his body.
Personality: INTP-A (As tested by 16 Personalities)
Details: Daiki has the personality of a stereotypical mad scientist. He is obsessed with becoming stronger through acquiring quinques and using them to overthrow the established order. He is void of most emotions, but he does have a twisted sense of humor. When not isolated, he puts on an act of a nerdy but low in self-confidence programmer. He often reads manga or plays video games in public and works a part-time job as a programmer for a local company. When approached by anyone other than his colleagues, he will talk in a stutter and will try to end the conversation quickly by any means possible unless it pertains to one of his interests. In reality, he is incredibly self-confident and able to talk in long monologues without difficulty. He really does enjoy manga, anime, and video games, but often puts his hobbies aside for his major interest: taking over the world.
History: Daiki was born in the 11th ward as a 2nd-generation immigrant from a German family who had decided to adopt Japanese names and culture after immigrating there. His father was a Ghoul investigator who had been brought over by the CCG due to his skill at manufacturing quinques. His mother was stay-at-home mom.
When Daiki was 10, his house was ambushed by two S-rated ghouls. The ghouls killed Daiki’s father in the kitchen and proceeded to attack his mother in her bedroom. Hearing the racket, a curious Daiki walked into the kitchen and saw his father’s dead body with his Ukaku quinque, der Hagelschauer, still active. Daiki completely ignored his father’s corpse and instead picked up Hagelscauer. He then ambushed the ghouls as they dined on his mother, killing both in a hail of bullets.
Daiki’s father had a “secret” laboratory in the house’s basement, which Daiki had discovered several years before. After his parents’ deaths, Daiki moved the corpses into the laboratory and proceeded to learn quinque development through books in his father’s laboratory. He eventually mastered the techniques needed and went to work on the two ghouls. One was an Ukaku and the other a Rinkaku, both with Kakujas. By the time Daiki was 15, he had finished constructing his masterpiece, the Vulture Armor. He had managed to make a Kakuja quinque armor that was indistinguishable from a normal human appearance and embedded the two ghouls’ Ukaku and Rinkaku quinques into its back.
Meanwhile, Daiki was also studying in school. He had the capability to become an academic prodigy, but he intentionally slacked to avoid drawing attention to himself and to give him time to work in his lab. He had been developing his mad scientist attitude from about 8 years old, and had immediately decided to use his parents’ death as an excuse to slide academically and appear shier. He went to a normal-level university and was not inclined to pursue anything much further that the public should be aware of.
After completing his Vulture Armor, Daiki started ambushing Doves and stealing their quinques. He used his armor to alter his appearance and have the characteristics of a ghoul. He would then take the stolen quinques and alter them for his own use. Soon, he started attacking ghouls as well. With particularly powerful and ruthless ghouls, he captured and imprisoned them instead of simply killing them. Daiki would repeatedly remove the ghoul’s kakuhous as they regenerated, killing humans as needed to keep the ghouls alive. At the present time, Daiki has over 2,000 quinque weapons under his control.
In addition to manufacturing standard quinques, Daiki has been working on larger projects. One such project is the development of “Amalgamate quinques”, or amalgaques for short. Amalgaques are quinque weapons composed of multiple kakuhous working together to form a larger, more powerful weapon. In addition, Daiki is working on an amalgaque armor called Taitanrobotto composed of over 100 individual kakuhous.
Abilities in next post, too many characters.

As Daiki:
Genius Intellect: Daiki has an IQ of 184 and is willing to put his intellect to use, developing new quinque technology faster than the whole CCG put together.
Enhanced Reflexes: Due to an abnormal information-processing speed, Daiki perceives time as moving slower than most people perceive it. Because of this as well as naturally quick reflexes, Daiki is able to react to a change in his environment about twice as fast as even a skilled investigator can manage. This is most apparent to anyone who has faced him in either open combat or in a video game.
Improvisation: Daiki is a master at improvising, able to devise a thorough plan in under 30 seconds and come up with solutions to problems almost as soon as they arise.
Strategy: Daiki is a cunning strategist, able to outthink most opponents. Daiki is as skilled as a chess grandmaster, despite only having played the game for about 200 hours. When playing MMO games, Daiki is often trusted with command of the entire group.
Acting: Daiki is able to easily hide his true ambitions by acting like a nerdy and shy programmer, despite actually being an ambitious mad scientist.
Programming: Daiki is a natural at computer programming, having been hired despite not having any training. He had managed to outperform anyone’s expectations on the company’s aptitude test, despite having no prior knowledge of that particular language.
Quinque Development: Daiki is the world’s best quinque manufacturer, doing things nobody thought was possible until he used them against investigators.
Martial Arts: Daiki is skilled in the Martial Arts due to training from a young age, and despite his average stature, is able to evade attacks from a ghoul without even activating his armor.
As Vulture:
Vulture Armor: Vulture’s main strength is in his signature Vulture armor, a Kakuja exoskeleton that, by default, has the same appearance, texture, and smell as a normal human’s skin but is actually incredibly tough. The armor adds about 130 lbs. and 6” to Daiki’s base figure, giving him the appearance of a large, bulky man. Without the attire, the Vulture Armor would appear as a 6’2” Japanese man with long black hair, a square jaw, and a muscular body. The armor itself is controlled telepathically by connecting to the user’s brain stem.
Ukaku Kagune: Vulture’s armor features a powerful embedded quinque that functions as an Ukaku kagune. Vulture’s Ukaku normally takes the form of two 6-8 ft. cyan and white wings, but he has the capability to change all aspects of its appearance at will. Daiki is able to use Vulture’s wings without crystallizing, giving them greater attack flexibility. Daiki has preprogrammed several powerful bullet modes. He can shoot tracking bullets and explosive barbs as noted by the CCG. In addition, he can shoot lighting attacks, flamethrower-like concentrations of RC cells that crystallize on impact and can imprison whatever they hit, and replicate the functions of Higher Mind. If none of these modes suit him, Daiki can quickly reprogram his Ukaku to suit his needs.
Rinkaku Kagune: Vulture’s armor also has a Rinkaku quinque embedded in it. Like the Ukaku, the Rinkaku is cyan-white by default but all aspects of its appearance can be changed at will. By default, Vulture forms 6 tentacles that can change design at will. The most common modes are the ones described by the CCG (typical Rinkaku, grappling tentacles, and Parasyte blades), but others can be designed and used at will. Vulture’s primary method of stealing quinques is by grabbing them with his Rinkaku in grappling mode.
Kakuja Kagune: The Vulture Armor itself is a Kakuja from one of the two ghouls who attacked Daiki’s house, but in order to fool CCG as well as provide extra protection, the Vulture Armor can create a navy-blue dense, hardened armor that can be morphed at will, allowing Vulture to replicate many functions of a Koukaku.
Enhanced Speed: The Vulture Armor gives dramatically enhanced speed that is easily able to keep up with Daiki’s sped-up perception of time. In addition, both the Rinkaku and Ukaku kagune types are very fast, which suits him well. Vulture is able to, with a single tentacle, overwhelm a sword-wielding investigator due to his sheer speed.
Incredible Stamina: Due to the design of the Vulture Armor, Vulture is able to fight for almost limitless amounts of time. While you might think that extended confrontations would drain RC cells and battery power from a quinque, the Vulture Armor is able to make use of resources at hand to generate power and additional RC cells.
High strength: The Vulture Armor dramatically increases Vulture’s strength, though it is not what Vulture relies on mainly while fighting.
Incredible Durability: Due to being a double-thick Kakuja, the Vulture Armor has very high durability, with the only exception being the brittle Rinkaku blades.
Regeneration: The Vulture Armor itself is capable of quickly repairing itself. However, the armor can also repair Daiki’s body itself. As a side result of developing flesh-like Kakuja armor, Daiki was able to figure out how to use RC cells for medical use on humans. Also, by connecting to Daiki’s brain stem, the Vulture Armor is able to override any pain signals so that coordination is not lost.
Enhanced Senses: The Vulture Armor grants Vulture increased sensory awareness, including visual feed from multiple directions and extra wavelengths, enhanced smell, and enhanced hearing.
Quinques: In addition to the Vulture Armor, Daiki possesses countless other quinques. When fighting as Vulture, he usually brings one or two quinques to the fight in order to speed up the process. Daiki is currently working on his amalgaques, which will considerably enhance his combat abilities once they are fully developed.
Some of his quinques:
Fueguchi 1 and 2 (Rinkaku and Koukaku): Stolen from Mado’s corpse after his death.
Douhi (Ukaku): Stolen from the CCG after it was damaged during the Anteiku raid. Daiki refurbished it and added a few combat features, such as his signature enhanced bullets.
der Hagelschauer (Ukaku): The only quinque he owns that he did not maufacture or steal. der Hagelschauer’s primary attack is a constant, highspeed bombardment of hail-like pellets. The speed of the hail is what causes der Hagelschauer to be so deadly and capable of shredding apart a Kakuja-wielding S-rated ghoul, but it is ill-suited to short range and can be easily ambushed. It looks like a rocket launcher, but with a distinctive greenish-gray cloudy surface designed to look like the sky before a tornado.
Hikarinotsurugi (Rinkaku): This Rinkaku quinque was designed as an experiment to see just what pop-culture weapons could be recreated with a quinque. Hikarinotsurugi takes the appearance of a blue Star Wars lightsaber, with a base forged of quinque steel and a blade composed of rinkaku RC cells constantly moving in a fashion that allows them to slice through most substances, including weaker kagunes. Hikarinotsurugi is also capable of detecting, moving to, and reflecting projectile attacks in a fashion similar to a lightsaber.
Job occupation: Part-time programmer at a local corporation. On his own, he works as a mad scientist. His laboratory was the only place that Aogiri was unable to capture in the 11th ward.
Extra details:
He is only ranked SS due to his nonlethal attacks on the CCG and the fact that most encounters are not drawn out long enough to get an accurate judgement of his skill.
Among humans, he is second in terms of overall skill (Only Arima is more skilled), but his overall power would make him an even match for Arima if they ever fought.
He has not killed any humans as of yet, but is responsible for the deaths of countless ghouls.
He is currently the only human that the CCG has managed to mistake for a ghoul.
Once he completes his Taitanrobotto amalgaque armor, he plans to raid the CCG headquarters itself to acquire its quinques. It is unknown whether this plan will succeed.

message 33: by Ice (last edited Jul 25, 2016 06:44PM) (new)

Name: Jayden Beller
Age: 20
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Jayden is a very hard worker in everything she does weither its her job or something for a friend. Although she is a hard worker, Jayden is a very shy girl. She will not talk to anyone first unless it is for her job. Other than her job, people will have to talk to her first.
History: Jayden grew up in a good home with her mom and twin brother, David. When they was about five their mom was in a car accident and was very hurt. She died a year later in the hospital. After that her and her brother had gotten seperated in foster care. She has been working the last six years looking for her brother, hoping to see him again.
Job occupation: Singer for a clubs, bars, ect.
Extra details: Tattoo she got for her and her brother

All above approved, just remember when using strong characters, please try and keep a up a fair fight ^.^

Name: Nagasaki Kindaichi
Age: 18
Species: human
Gender: male
Appearance: dark blonde hair that covers his forehead, dark brown eyes and tall. Fairly muscular and has a freckle under his left eye.
Personality: he is a crazy ball of sunshine and the funniest person ever. He is loud and happy-go-lucky and never lets anything get him down for too long. He's the life of the party and is very nice.
History: He was the new student at school where he met Yukio, his best friend forever. His mother is a nurse and his father is a CCG investigator but he never had any prejudice towards ghouls, if fact when he found out that his best friend Yukio was a ghoul, he didn't care, he helped keep her off their radar.
Job occupation: he's a trainee for the CCG
Extra details: he is gay but not many people know, only his parents and Yukio.

Name: Asura Kurangi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Sero Fukayashi
relationship status: taken
Asura is a quiet girl who is often shy and sweet but there are times where she is a bit of a bitch but that is towards her enemies,Asura is an extremely intelligent girl.she also is soft spoken and quite the charmer sometimes(if she likes you)
*dancing occasionally
-her sword skills
-her intelligence
-her confindence in her abilities

* Is a bit too fragile sometimes(health wise)
*hates being restricted when it comes to battle
*being restrained even in That manner although she is a virgin
She is quite good at what she does and she is the daughter of the head ccg investigator but is in love with a ghoul and goes against everything she has been taught because she knows not all ghouls are bad.She also will do whatever she has to,to protect Sero despite her being just a human,she knows Sero is a half ghoul but she loves him anyway,she's loved him for as long as she's known him.

Name:Seijouro Akashi
Gender: Male
Quinque :
Story : Seijouro was born in a very rich family. His mother died when he was 10 years old. At the age of 13 he discovered that his mother was eaten by a Ghoul from the Aogiri tree called Tatara. At the age of 18 he was recruited by the GCC who taught him to kill the Ghouls. He became a GCC officer on the same basis as Kishou Arima.
Seijouro likes to play shogi (Japanese chess) and also basketball. He is very intelligent and strong but he does not tolerate defeat.

Approved,want me ot make him a girlfriend?

Ccg Profiles 10 Keygen 7

Name : Katsuki Bakugou
Nickname : explosive
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Appearance :
Quinque :
Story:Katsuki was born in an unfrequented district of Tokyo. Every day he had to attend the clandestine fighting that took place daily in his neighborhood. His father had to pay a ransom every week but one day he forgot to do so. The people who ask him for the ransom have been frightened and they burned Katsuki's house. All the family members died except Katsuki who trained to kill the members of the organization called Aogiri, whose members were all ghouls. At the age of 15 he was recruited by the GCC as a guard of Seijouro Akashi's corps.
Katsuki has an explosive character and he has no pity for ghouls. For him the weak and the traitors do not deserve to live.

Asura Kurangi can be Seijouro Akashi 's girlfriend

Asura's taken already,I'm working on making more so please be patient

Katsuki's approved

Name: Jacus lockheart
Age: 25
Species: Human
Gender: male
Birthday: May 16
Personality: he has a very good heart all around. He isnt afraid of saying what’s on his mind. He does come out of rude because he doesn’t really think before he talks too.
History: when Luke was born his parents hire him very young. Because his human family was the soul guardian of the ghoul family. But when Luke’s parents were attack he lost Luke. He been searching for him since then. He is very close on giving up but knows it’s wrong of him to do that.
Crush: NOne
Other: his bisexual

Approved ^.^

message 48: by Sero (last edited Jul 28, 2018 06:43AM) (new)

{-} 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰 {-}
{- 𝘕𝘢𝘮𝘦 -} Yushiro Arata
{- 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦(𝘴) -} Shiro
{- 𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 -} 5'11
{- 𝘞𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 -} 124 lbs..
{- 𝘏𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘦 -} Sagittarius
{- 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩 -} December 6th
{- 𝘈𝘨𝘦 -} 22
{- 𝘚𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 -}. Heterosexual
{- 𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴 -} Single
{- 𝘈𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 -} CCG
{- 𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘬 -} Associate Special Class Investigator
{-} 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 {-}
Yushiro is generally an outgoing and happy person, he's not bossy and affirmative towards lower rankings unlike others of his rank. Yushiro is the kind of person who you'd want to talk to if you're having a somewhat bad day....although he can get angry, but the amount of times that's happened is estimated at about 2 times.
{-} 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 {-}
Yushiro was born of both human parents, his father being a Special Class Investigator, and his mother a First Class Investigator. At the age of 17, he entered into the training academy, after that he was assigned as a Second Class Investigator, in just a few years, he rose to the rank of First Class Investigator at the age of 20. After that, just two years later, because of his exceptional skill and leadership ability, Yushiro was promoted to Associate Special Class Investigator, he still aims for Special Class day.
{-} 𝘈𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 {-}
Yushiro is a somewhat tall and somewhat lean individual, he's been described as 'cute' before, he gets flustered from people saying this. Although, he believes he's fairly average looking, not one hundred percent focusing on his appearance.
{-} 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘲𝘶𝘦 {-}
Yushiro wields a Katana/Sword like Quinque, which is made from a Koukaku Kakuhou. It is one of the most sharp Quinque made, able to cut through most weak Kagune with ease. It can cut through extremely hard Kagune, but with some hardship.
Yushiro also wields a pistol made out of Quinque steel, the Q bullets are modified to be slightly more powerful, he also wields different bullets for different Kakuhou/Kagune types.

Approved ^.^

message 50: by Shadow (last edited May 16, 2019 02:31PM) (new)

Name: Riku
𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩t: 7'3
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: single
Occupation: works for himself hunting Ghouls.
Likes: music, killing ghouls, drawing, sleeping.
Dislikes: most ghouls, my other personality, working with other people.
Species: Human / sometimes works with doves.
Personality: Quiet, tall, fast, strong, hates working together, only kills if have to, often puts own life in front of others, merciless and cold hearted.
Crush: none
Relationship: single
Civillian appearance:
working appearance:
Weapons: twin bladed dragon swords:
Also has Scythe that is also shotgun:
Very lazy and often ignores CCG but when serious really deadly.
still barely fights and only when has to (i will make it fair in fights)
Head of CCG knows and hates me.
most doves find me strange.
Hates eating anything but chicken karaage and rice.
Quote: 'okay fine i wanna have some fun anyway'
(barely uses scythe)

Ccg Profiles 10 Keygen 2016

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